Monday, July 2, 2007

Pick on this

Like: Burger King
Hate: Smelly men who pick their noses on public transport
Complaint of the day: It's still raining

Had good weekend despite the illness of it all. Couldn't make it out on Friday night, was too sore, miserable and drowsy from the drugs so had conversations with my drunken boyfriend instead, who was at The Who in Marley Park. Was trying to arrange to meet him, but then his battery died and that was the end of that. He is very cute when drunk (even if he does do silly things like let his battery die and then fail to call me back on someone else's phone).

Was carless on Saturday as it had to go in for a service. When I got it back it was like a brand new motor. Vroom! Well worth all the money to make it better again. That night we had a family do with all of the boy's family and relations. The free bar was too much to resist and despite my kidneys squeezes of protest I eventually moved on from the colas to the beers. It was painful, but worth it. I know I will pay for being so bold, but free drink is very difficult to refuse, especially for a girl with alcoholic tendencies from birth. (Irish, runs in the family)

Is there any law against picking your nose in public? You're not allowed pee or expose yourself in front of other people (unless they ask you) Surely hawking around the inside of your nostrils and displaying and disposing the contents in full view of random travellers could be deemed illegal. It is DISGUSTING! eughhh. I nearly vomited all over this man beside me on the bus today. Not only did he stink of piss he but he proceeded to lump big rolls of snot all around me on my way to work this morning. Pickers, out!

(Revolted) Ladysinger

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