Thursday, June 21, 2007

Hungover but happy

Hate: hangovers
Like: drink
Complaint of the day: my tummy hurts

Staff do was lots of fun last night. My depression is gone. It had already started to evaporate yesterday anyway thanks to a bit more security in the job situation and the boy saying we could book a holiday next week. And he mentioned Italy. Tres exciting!

It's funny at work today, because EVERYBODY is hungover. It's like theres a cloud of alcohol fumes hanging over everyone's head and we can barely look up with the weight of it. Don't really remember much at the end of last night except larding everyone out of the kebab shop and into a taxi for no good reason. Can't a drunk person enjoy their kebab at the end of the night without having to do it in transit? Woke up this morning to a very suspect orange stain on the bedsheets. Fake tan? Make-up? Blood? No. Kebab sauce.

I entered the opening lines competition yesterday on radio one and it's suffice to say my entry was... shit. I thought I was more talented that that, but I'm not. However it's got me thinking about creative writing again and I'm thinking of tracking down a course or writer's group or something where you're forced to write creatively once a week. I wonder is there anything like that out there? Course I don't want to be stuck with a bunch of annoying hippies but I might look into it and see what's out there.

Not putting my entry up cos I'm embarrassed.

(Headachey) Ladysinger

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